Friday, October 15, 2010

As a leading-edge innovative technology,

As a leading-edge innovative technology, the results of the World Economic Forum in 2006 was named thin layer of manganese dioxide coated side of paper as a conductor, the thickness of less than 0.5 mm, and avoid the environmental problems caused by traditional batteries can be used as general household waste to be addressed. .2006 Achievements: .the invention of paper battery paper battery developed .Zhangxia Chang can be used as smart cards, musical greeting cards and e-newspapers, power, and RFID (radio frequency identification) tag, by some institutions and the media as the Herve Leger best innovative technologies of 2006 1. .Public Affairs class .resume .1946 West Su Chen was born in southern China and grew up there, after a move to our China, 17-year-old immigrant Melbourne. John So graduated from Melbourne University, have a science and education double degree. He was a restaurant owner, had been a teacher, is also a Justice of the Peace (civil justice of the peace appointed by the Government). .1991 年 to win the Chinese equity and equality, implementation of multi-cultural concept for the politics, John So of Melbourne City Council election to .2001, the John So Mayor campaign in Melbourne during the first beat of digital heavyweight candidates, including Australia, a small party - the Democratic Party more than the founder En o Chip, the first elected mayor was elected, and re-election has become the longest-serving mayor of the city.

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